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Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction is a 100% online course designed to assist construction supervisors and safety professionals in meeting Cal/OSHA training requirements.

Complete the self-paced course on any device and instantly print your Cal/OSHA certificate of completion. You will also complete a 30-hour OSHA course that provides a wallet-sized OSHA 30 DOL card that is printed on durable plastic and accepted nationwide.

About Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction

Training Standards

Satisfies Training Standards for:

Cal/OSHA Title 8 Regulations and OSHA Part 1926

Construction Workers

Designed for:

Construction Supervisors in California

100% Online


100% Online Training

Certification Icon


Cal/OSHA Certificate of Completion

Who Needs 30-Hour Cal/OSHA Training for Construction?

Construction supervisors in California are required to complete training on specific work-related safety and health topics listed in Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations.

Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction is designed for supervisors and managers in the construction industry. Workers with certain safety responsibilities may also be required to complete the course, which explains Cal/OSHA requirements and federal OSHA guidelines.

Cal/OSHA standards and regulations cover the majority of workers in California, including state and local government employees. However, some workers are exempt from Cal/OSHA and covered by federal OSHA, including offshore maritime workers, Post Office workers and other federal employees.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of Cal/OSHA training, you'll be prepared to:

  • Explain the difference between federal OSHA and Cal/OSHA
  • List your rights as a worker under Cal/OSHA
  • State employer responsibilities under Cal/OSHA
  • Identify health hazards that are pertinent to Cal/OSHA
  • List the components of an Injury and Illness Prevention Program
  • Use effective tactics to prevent heat illness
  • List OSHA and Cal/OSHA government resources that support worker safety

You'll also learn about the following topics related to federal OSHA:

  • Introduction to OSHA
  • Construction Focus Four: Fall Hazards
  • Construction Focus Four: Electrocution Hazards
  • Construction Focus Four: Struck-By Hazards
  • Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
  • Health Hazards in Construction
  • Material Handling
  • Tools — Hand and Power
  • Managing Safety and Health
  • Stairways and Ladders
  • Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Welding and Cutting
  • Scaffolds
  • Cranes
  • Excavations
  • Concrete and Masonry
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Signs, Signals and Barricades

» Learn more about 30-Hour OSHA Outreach training

Cal/OSHA Course Outline

Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction includes 12 modules on Cal/OSHA requirements. You can find a full overview of each module below.

Module 1: Introduction to Federal OSHA

Topics covered in Module 1 include:

  • About OSHA
  • Inspections
  • Citations
  • OSHA Resources

Learning objectives include:

  • Outline OSHA's history, mission, purpose and standards
  • Explain types of OSHA inspections, OSHA citations, the most frequently cited violations and penalties
  • Identify OSHA resources available to workers

Module 2: Introduction to Cal/OSHA

Topics covered in Module 2 include:

  • About Cal/OSHA
  • Specific Cal/OSHA Standards
  • Inspections and Citations
  • Cal/OSHA Resources

Learning objectives include:

  • Outline Cal/OSHA's mission, purpose and standards
  • Identify Cal/OSHA standards that differ from federal standards
  • Define Cal/OSHA's inspection and citation process
  • Identify Cal/OSHA resources available to workers

Module 3: Workers' Rights

Topics covered in Module 3 include:

  • Workers' Rights Under Cal/OSHA
  • Employee Responsibilities

Learning objectives include:

  • Define workers' rights under Cal/OSHA
  • Explain how to cooperate with Cal/OSHA enforcement personnel during inspections
  • Define employee responsibilities in the workplace

Module 4: Employer Responsibilities

Topics covered in Module 4 include:

  • Training Requirements and Other Employer Responsibilities
  • Recordkeeping

Learning objectives include:

  • Outline responsibilities assigned to employers under Cal/OSHA
  • Define an employer's training responsibilities under Cal/OSHA
  • Describe the types of records employers are required to keep

Module 5: Noise Hazards

Topics covered in Module 5 include:

  • Basics of Noise
  • Noise-Related Exposure Hazards
  • Evaluating Noise
  • Reducing Noise Hazards

Learning objectives include:

  • Explain how the ears process sound
  • Differentiate noise from sound
  • Identify common noise-related hazards and associated health risks
  • Describe how decibels are measured
  • List methods used to reduce the effects of noise-related hazards

Module 6: Hazard Communication

Topics covered in Module 6 include:

  • Hazardous Substances
  • Physical and Health Risks of Hazardous Chemicals
  • Labeling and Safety Data Sheets

Learning objectives include:

  • Define hazardous substances and list examples
  • Identify health hazards associated with certain hazardous chemicals
  • Describe the labeling requirements for hazardous materials
  • Explain how to read a Safety Data Sheet

Module 7: Asbestos

Topics covered in Module 7 include:

  • Asbestos Basics
  • Health Hazards of Asbestos Exposure
  • Types of Asbestos Worker Training

Learning objectives include:

  • Explain what asbestos is and where it's used
  • List health hazards associated with asbestos exposure
  • Define proper asbestos training

Module 8: Lead

Topics covered in Module 8 include:

  • Lead Hazards and Exposure
  • Signs and Symptoms of Lead Exposure
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Safe Work Practices Around Lead

Learning objectives include:

  • List health hazards associated with exposure to lead
  • Identify signs and symptoms of lead exposure
  • Explain what PPE is required to work around lead
  • Outline safe practices when working around lead

Module 9: Introduction to Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPPs)

Topics covered in Module 9 include:

  • The Purpose of Having an IIPP
  • Components of an IIPP
  • Incident Investigation

Learning objectives include:

  • Explain the purpose of an IIPP
  • Name the components of an IIPP
  • Explain how injury and illness incidents are investigated

Module 10: Getting Started on an Effective IIPP

Topics covered in Module 10 include:

  • IIPP Responsibilities and Assessments
  • How to Take Action on Assessments or Findings
  • Maintaining Your IIPP

Learning objectives include:

  • Name and define workplace IIPP assessments and responsibilities
  • Explain how to take action based on a workplace assessment or finding
  • Describe how to maintain your IIPP and remain compliant

Module 11: Heat Illness Prevention

Topics covered in Module 11 include:

  • Heat Illness Signs and Symptoms
  • Prevention Methods

Learning objectives include:

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of heat illness
  • List methods to prevent heat illness
  • Describe how workers can acclimate to high temperature environments

Module 12: OSHA and Cal/OSHA Resources

Topics covered in Module 12 include:

  • Cal/OSHA Regulations in the Workplace
  • Resources for Workers

Learning objectives include:

  • Relate Cal/OSHA regulations to the workplace
  • State the importance of following OSHA standards
  • List OSHA and government resources that support workplace safety

Testing Requirements

Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction comprises 30 hours of OSHA-authorized training and three hours of supplemental safety and health topics required by Cal/OSHA. To earn your Cal/OSHA certificate of completion and OSHA 30 card, you'll need to pass all end-of-module quizzes and two final exams.

Cal/OSHA Testing

The Cal/OSHA portion of the course includes 12 quizzes and a final exam. End-of-modules quizzes contain five questions. You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass with a score of 80% or higher.

The final exam contains 20 questions. You must earn a passing score of 70% or higher. Like the quizzes, you can retake the exam until you pass.

OSHA Outreach Testing

The federal OSHA portion of the course includes 19 end-of-module quizzes and a final exam. You have up to three attempts to pass each quiz with a score of 70% or higher.

If you do not pass any given quiz in three tries, you will be locked out of the course. You will need to repurchase the course and start over.

The final exam includes 20 questions. You have up to three attempts to pass the final exam with a score of 70% or higher. If you do not achieve a passing score after three attempts, you will need to repurchase the course and start from the beginning.


What is Cal/OSHA?

Cal/OSHA, also known as the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), protects California workers by creating and enforcing occupational safety and health standards. Cal/OSHA standards meet or exceed federal OSHA standards.

Cal/OSHA standards are outlined in Title 8 of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations apply to the vast majority of California employees, including local and state government workers.

Which Cal/OSHA standards apply to construction workers?

California construction employers must comply with a specific set of standards found in the following Cal/OSHA subchapters: Construction Safety Orders, Electrical Safety Orders and General Industry Safety Orders. Review the full list of these standards on Cal/OSHA's website.

How long will it take to complete the course?

To satisfy Cal/OSHA training requirements, construction supervisors must complete a 30-hour OSHA Outreach course with three hours of supplementary training on Cal/OSHA regulations.

Due to federal OSHA rules, you can spend no more than 7.5 hours per day in OSHA Outreach training. That means it will take a minimum of four days to complete your training. Time spent on Cal/OSHA topics does not count toward the 7.5-hour daily limit.

What is an OSHA 30 DOL card?

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issues OSHA 30 cards to workers who complete 30 hours of OSHA Outreach training on industry-specific workplace safety topics. This wallet-sized card is printed on durable plastic and is accepted nationwide as proof of training.

Many construction employers in California require supervisors to earn an OSHA 30 card before starting work. Entry-level workers typically must complete 10 hours of Outreach training in order to earn an OSHA 10 card.

» Learn more about OSHA cards

When will I receive my Cal/OSHA certificate of completion?

Upon successful completion of Cal/OSHA 30-Hour Training for Construction, you can instantly download and print your Cal/OSHA certificate of completion.

When will I receive my OSHA 30 DOL card?

After completing the OSHA 30 portion of your training, you can instantly download a certificate of completion. The U.S. Department of Labor will deliver your OSHA 30 card by mail six to eight weeks after course completion.

» Additional Cal/OSHA FAQs

Related Courses

Do you need 10- or 30-hour OSHA training without Cal/OSHA? Learn more about OSHA Outreach Training.

Additional Links and Resources

Find more information about Cal/OSHA training requirements for the construction industry:

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