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We make it easy for you to create a Part 46 training plan.

  • Download our free training plan template
  • Fill in the blanks to make an MSHA-approved plan
  • Includes all mandatory training subjects
  • Customize the plan to fit your training needs

MSHA Part 46 Training Plan Template

Our free template walks you through the process of creating an official Part 46 training plan. Simply work your way through the document and fill in the blanks to provide a comprehensive overview of training procedures at your mine.

If you fill out the template completely and accurately, your training plan is considered MSHA-approved. You are not required to send a copy of your plan to MSHA for official review.

The template simplifies the process of describing your mine's programs for:

  • Training new miners and newly hired experienced miners
  • Training miners for new tasks
  • Annual refresher training
  • Site-specific hazard awareness training

For each training topic, specify the approximate training time, the teaching methods and materials used, and your methods for evaluating the effectiveness of training. You can include additional information about company-specific policies for safety training, such as mandatory training for site-specific hazards.

Improving Mine Safety Through Effective Training

Mining deaths in the United States have declined drastically since 1977, when the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) was created to enforce the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act. According to MSHA data, fatal injuries involving miners and independent contractors dropped from 242 deaths in 1978 to 28 deaths in 2017.

MSHA accomplished this remarkable improvement in workplace safety by requiring mine operators to implement effective training plans. Teaching mine employees how to recognize and avoid common safety hazards at the job site prevents countless injuries, illnesses and deaths each year.

Additional Resources

For assistance with developing a Part 46 training plan or for more information about mine safety and MSHA regulations, explore the resources below.


Mine Safety and Health Administration. (2018, February 12). MSHA at a Glance (CY 1978-2017). Retrieved from